Sunday, July 1, 2012

38 weeks, 5 days!

Quick update! 

Went in last Friday for our 38 week check up.  Dilated 2.5 cm and effaced 70% -- making progress!
It was another OBGYN in the practice who saw me, as my doctor was in surgery.  She mentioned that my doctor may think about inducing me, since the baby is only in the 13% for size.  This is nothing to worry about, and doesn't have any indication of what size he'll be when he's born, but it might be better for him to be delivered sooner rather than later so that we can be sure he's getting what he needs!  The doctor who was filling in for my doctor said she'd have my doctor call me later in the day to discuss.  I didn't hear from her, so I'm assuming that she doesn't see a great need to induce, but I'll be calling first thing tomorrow morning to ask her thoughts!

My mom was here this weekend, which was fabulous!  It was so calming for me to have her here to talk about what is to come!

Mom, me, and Diana at brunch this morning!

SO ready to have him here with us.  The possibility of being induced is very tempting, but I'd rather him come when he's ready.  Not too much longer, either way!

Friday, June 22, 2012

37 weeks 3 days

Size of baby:
  A winter melon?!  Who has ever heard of that?

My symptoms:  Lower back pain, of course.  And the whole slew of late pregnancy complaints -- pelvic pain, bathroom trips every 5 minutes, trouble sleeping.

Weight gain:   30 pounds!

Movement:  Lots of movement at bedtime.  He has this spot that he is constantly kicking!  

What I miss the most:   Being physically comfortable.  I can't wait to wear heels again.  Right now, the thought of heels seems like torture.

What I’m craving: Ice cream drumsticks....I've had one for dessert the past two nights!

What I'm wearing:  I have about 3 outfits that fit me!  So glad to be working from home, and getting to wear leggings and tanks every day.

One memory from last week:  At my 37 week check up, I found out that I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced (same as I was at 36 weeks).  Finding this out has made me SO anxious for him to get here!!  I just pray for my water to break!

Nursery Update:  Nursery is almost done!  We have a couple more things that we'd like to do that incorporate his name, and those pictures will be shared after he gets here.  But wanted to show the progress we've made so far!

What do you think?  

Only 18 days left!!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

32 weeks and 5 days

Size of baby:  A small pumpkin!!

My symptoms:  Sciatic nerve pain like CRAZY (this is absolutely awful and I pray that this doesn't happen to anyone that I know!!!), bathroom trips every 5 minutes, so thirsty!  I'm so lucky to have had an easy pregnancy (after the first trimester, that is).  Being pregnant, everything feels like a waiting game, and then all of the sudden, things change quickly!  I was sooo comfortable for so long, and then almost overnight, I'm having trouble moving and have gotten this terrible backache. 

Weight gain:   This has been interesting, from the beginning.  At every check up up until 28 weeks, my OBGYN was asking, "when are you going to gain weight??" Then, at my 28 week check up, she told me to slow down on the weight gain.  Now, she is saying to eat as much as I can, and rest as much as I can!  Total weight gain so far = 22 pounds.

Movement:  Lots.  I know he'll start to slow down because the space is getting limited, but he's been a movin' and a shakin'.  Best feeling ever.

What I miss the most:   Moving around like a normal person!  Everything requires a lot of energy.  Joey has to strap my sandals, since I can't reach down there anymore without crunching the little pumpkin.

What I’m craving: Shockingly, my appetite has slowed down.  Probably because I have the green light to eat whatever I want!  When I was told to watch what I ate, I wanted everything in sight.  Funny how that happens.

What I'm wearing:  Pretty much all maternity clothes.  I don't know what I'd do without Destination Maternity.

One memory from last week:  So many great memories from the past MONTH!  One of Joey's mom's best friends threw me a baby shower, and it was amazing.  Some photos below:

Then, we had my shower at home, with all of my friends and family.  It was so good seeing everyone who I hadn't seen since December (or earlier)!  It is so tough being far from family and friends, especially being pregnant.  It was very hard getting on the plane to come back.  So glad that I have my best friend/baby daddy/Joey.  Some photos below:

My beautiful little sister graduated from nursing school!!

We had a great Mother's Day, celebrating one of the world's greatest moms!!

Then, last night, one of my greatest friend's here in Dallas, threw us a co-ed shower for all of our friends here in Dallas:

Could we be any more blessed?  The only thing missing is our little man.  

51 more days until he arrives.  Cannot wait! 

Monday, April 9, 2012

26 Weeks

How far along:  26 weeks, 6 days

Size of baby: A head of cauliflower!  2 pounds, 14 inches in length.

My symptoms:  Some swelling in my feet and hands, backache, overall "heavy" feeling!  I am a little anxious/apprehensive about moving into my third trimester (which officially begins tomorrow), but trying to mentally prepare myself :)  It's probably going to be challenging at times, but hopefully the excitement will outweigh the discomfort (I'll keep dreaming!).

Weight gain:  I'm guessing about 15 pounds total...but we'll see on April 19th -- my 28 week check up.  If I've gained more than that....I'm blaming it on Easter.    So...much...sugar.

Movement: Tons of movement.  I feel the weirdest things, and wonder what he's doing in there.

What I miss the most:  Aside from my standard answer (cocktails), I miss working up a sweat, which I never thought I'd say.  I've never been much of a regular exerciser (and I'm in wellness...pathetic, I know!), but I cannot wait to shed this weight.  I know it's good right now, but I hate feeling heavy and big.  I've been thinking about what kind of exercise I'm going to start once I'm able to.  I also miss bending at the waist with ease.  I feel like I'm crunching him any time I'm bending over.

What I’m craving: Anything involving sugar.  I've never eaten as much chocolate and sugar as I have in the last few months...I'm setting personal records!

What I'm wearing:  Up until about week 20, I was able to wear mostly my regular clothes (with the belly band), especially leggings and long tops.  But for the last couple of months, it's been maternity stuff.  Maternity cuts are just so much more comfortable than regular clothes now.  Dresses are a must.

One memory from last week:  The past couple of weeks have flown by, with a lot of my focus being on work.  I admire all women who worked throughout their pregnancies.  Lack of focus and exhaustion make it really tough some days.  The highlight of my day is when I walk into my apartment.  I go directly for the pajamas and the couch!  One thing that I've been thinking about is how nice it would be to have a friend to go through this with together.  Don't get me wrong...Joey is amazing, and I don't know what I'd do without my mom and his mom always asking how I'm feeling, but to have a friend go through this with me would be fabulous.  I'd love to have someone to hang out with who wanted to talk alllllll about being pregnant, and the feelings and thoughts that I have.  But, maybe next time :)

Easter pic!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Will Baby Wear?

I've had to seriously restrain myself when it comes to buying clothes for this child.  I've gotten a few things so far, that I just couldn't help but buy.  Here's a sneak peak of some of his stuff:

This is the outfit we bought right after we found out that we are having a boy:

A couple more of my absolute favs:

And for football season...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

25 Weeks

How far along:  25 weeks, 5 days

Size of baby: An eggplant! 

My symptoms:  Besides wanting to eat everything within 2 feet of me?  I feel a lot of pulling on my belly (medical term -- round ligament pain).  Walking up stairs (or doing anything physically exerting) is a lot harder now, and I know I look a little awkward when I'm doing it.

Weight gain:  Total = 11 pounds (as of last week's check up at 24 weeks); Within the last month = 7 pounds!  My OBGYN kindly pointed out that I "can't be doing that again" this month!

What I do to try to relieve my symptoms: Counting down the days until July 10th!  Overall, I'm feeling really well...aside from adjusting to the physical changes of pregnancy.

Movement:  I can actually see him rolling around in my belly now-a-days.  It's honestly the coolest thing I've ever witnessed.  Kind of terrifying too...thinking that he has to come OUT of me!!
What I miss the most: Hot dogs and martinis :)  Now that the weather is beautiful in Dallas, I want to sit on patios and drink mimosas, wine, beer, ANYTHING!
What I’m craving: Sweets, sweets, sweets.  It's first, when I was super nauseous, all I wanted was salt.  Now, it's sweets.  I can totally see how Jenny McCarthy gained something like 70 pounds during her is our only vice!

One memory from last week: He's super active right now.  If I lay flat on my back, I can see his little head pop up!!

I think a lot about who he'll look like.  I'm hoping he looks like this sweet baby boy...can you guess who this is?!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

23 Weeks

How far along:  23 weeks, 5 days
Size of baby: Large Mango!

My symptoms:  Back ache, sugar obsession, emotional as HELL.
What I do to try to relieve my symptoms: I roll my back on a foam hurts, but it's the only thing I can find that helps.  Sitting all day at a computer is the worst thing I can do, but I really don't have a choice.  I do try and get up and walk as much as I can. 
Movement:  He has been moving like crazy.  We went from light flutters to full on motion...almost overnight.  If I lay really still, on my back, I swear I can see him move.  It's the most reassuring/fascinating thing ever. 
What I miss the most:  Laying on my back for long periods of time.  I've read several articles about how laying on your back decreases blood flow to the baby, so I try to avoid it (plus, I get woken up in the middle of the night by my wonderful fiance, pushing me to one of my sides).  It's St. Patty's Day today, so I'm missing green beer and Irish car bombs.  This time last year I was "moderately intoxicated" at a parade with a million other people in Dallas.  It's crazy how quickly this can change!
What I’m craving:  Any form of sugar...I wish I could say that I satisfy my sweet tooth with fruit, but who are we kidding.  Nerd ropes, chocolate ganache, cookies, and key lime pie are what usually do the trick. 
One memory from last week: I got my first nose bleed : /  but...something a little more blog-friendly:  I splurged on some maternity wear.  Maxi dresses are saving my life right now...and they're great because I can totally cover up my butt, which happens to have grown  more than my belly.
I had an all-time-pregnancy moment a couple of weeks minute I'm at work CRAVING banana pancakes more than I've ever craved anything, and the next minute I find myself at the Original Pancake House, at 5pm, on a Tuesday evening, asking for a table for one!  Aside from a couple of employees, I was the only person in the place, and let me tell you, it was GLORIOUS (this might help explain the rapid growth rate of my rear end :) ).

I can't believe I'm almost in my third trimester.  Even though it feels like time has flown by, I feel like it's still going to take FOREVER for me to be able to hold him in my arms!!

I've started thinking about the nursery, and this picture is my inspiration:

                                                      From:  The Nursery Project

So, I started on the curtains today!  I found some info online about how to make your own curtains, without sewing.  I'm the complete opposite of "crafty", so I was a little apprehensive to try this, but I'm attempting to make the curtains.  Here is what I accomplished today:

They're not perfect, but I think they might do the trick!

One more pic for the week (I swear I didn't try to match the curtains!):

Love you all.